drs. Franck van den Broeck
(President of the Supervisory Board)
Date and place of birth: 25-04-1965, Arnhem.
Supervisory Board member since 2009, resigning (and not eligible for re-election) in 2025.
Mr. Van den Broeck is director of the Stichting Camphillgemeenschap Maartenhuis as well as director-shareholder of an organizational and management consultancy agency and he is the holder of a share of fl. 25 in the company.

Steven Bakker RA
Date and place of birth: 22-05-1968, Texel.
Supervisory Board member since 2015, resigning (and eligible for re-election) in 2023.
Holder of a share of fl. 25 in the company.
Mr. Bakker works at the Ministry of Finance, part of the Tax Department for Large Companies.
Additional positions: member of the national coordination group on transfer pricing, guest lecturer Fiscal Institute of the University of Tilburg and chairman of the Foundation Samen één Texel.

Corrie Setz
Date and place of birth: May 7, 1970 in Groningen.
Supervisory Board member since 2022, resigning (and eligible for re-election) in 2025.
Not a holder of a share in the company.
Ms. Setz works as operational director at the Krim Texel.
Additional positions: lid hoofdbestuur Texels Ondernemers Platform [TOP] en voorzitter sectie recreatie Texels Ondernemers Platform [TOP].

mr. Casper Schouten
Date and place of birth: 09-01-1961, The Hague.
Commissioner from 2024, resigning (and eligible for re-election) in 2027.
Holder of a share of fl. 25 in the company.
Mr. Schouten works as a business mediator and partner at ReulingSchutte in Amsterdam.
Additional positions: voorzitter Raad van Toezicht Stichting Texels Museum en voorzitter Raad van Commissarissen woningcorporatie Cazas Wonen te Woerden.

Ing. Maartje Duin
Date and place of birth: 20-06-1978, Texel.
Commissioner from 2018, resigning (and eligible for re-election) in 2026.
Holder of a share of fl. 25 in the company.
Ms. Duin works as a water systems management consultant at the Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier..
Ms. Duin currently does not hold any additional positions.

Eva van der Bruggen
Date and place of birth: 18-10-1976, IJsselstein.
Commissioner from September 2025.
Not a holder of a share in the company.
Ms. Van der Bruggen works as municipal secretary/general director at the municipality of Schagen.
Additional positions: Vice-voorzitter dagelijks bestuur Vereniging van Gemeentesecretarissen, voorzitter Stichting Dierentehuis Den Helder en omstreken, lid commissie Governance VNG.

mr. drs. Cees de Waal
Date and place of birth: 12-08-1973, Texel.
Employed since January 1, 2008.
Holder of a share of fl. 25 in the company.
Additional positions: Stichting VVV Texel Promotie, Stichting Opleidingen Zoute Veren, Stichting Vrienden van Luchtvaartterrein Texel, Stichting de Rede van Texel Live, Klankbordgroep Toeristisch Toekomstplan Texel, Texels Ondernemers Platform (representing accessibility dossier), Klankbordgroep Waddenfonds.

Mario Prak
Date and place of birth: April 6, 1960 in Amsterdam.
Employed since August 1, 2023.
Not a holder of a share in the company.
Mr. Prak currently does not hold any additional positions.